BodiBronze Spray Tans

Friday, November 22, 2013

Product Spotlight: BodiCleanz®

·  What are you using to cleanse your skin after your spray tan?  Using just any over the counter body wash is not the best way to help your tan last. BodiBronze® has created the best cleanser for spray tan maintenance. 

    The BodiCleanz®  is a  pH balancing formula which aids in acne management.  Low Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) formula aids in moisture retention.  SLS is what makes most soaps become sudsy… and it’s also a drying agent.  This body wash has minimal SLS so it’s more gel based to coat the skin and add moisture and pH the skin. Did we mention it smells amazing? :-)

    There is no risk is purchasing this cleanser. We want our clients to have the best of the best in their maintenance and this cleanser is sure to allow for superb spray tan maintenance.

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