BodiBronze Spray Tans

Friday, November 1, 2013

Product Spotlight: BodiExtendz

·       Ever wonder how one can keep a BodiBronze® spray tan lasting longer? The general answer is "moisturizing." The better answer? BodiBronze® BodiExtendz bronzing moisturizer. This bottle contains a little bit of wonderful that will have your tan lasting much longer than any drug store moisturizer you could find. 
      This bottle isn't just a moisturizer, it is an extender. This lotion contains professional levels of DHA which gives you color while you moisturize. It hydrates, soothes, and gradually develops color onto your spray tan that will allow the tan to last longer. 

      Best application process is to use circular motions and make sure all sides of each body part feel evenly moisturized.  It’s not meant to be an instant tanner, but a gradual tanner that will give you results after just 1 application – where most over the counter lotions take 3+ to see the same results. 

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